List of Personalities

Erich  von Manstein

an image

   * 24th November 1887

   + 9th June 1973

During the First World War hew was in service in both, Eastern and Wester front.
On the beginning of the Second World War he was serving as Chief of Staff to Gerd von Rundstedt's Army Group South.
He was active during invasion of the Soviet Union and participated on: Siege of Sevastopol, Siege of Leningrad, Battle of Stalingrad, Third Battle of Kharkov, Battle of Kursk, Dnieper Campaign.

Knight's Cross (19.07.1940)
Oak Leaves (14.03.1943)
Swords (30.03.1944)

This is NOT a site meant to promote Nazism, the politics of Adolf Hitler, or any other political ideology. It deals with the subject of German military during a particular period of history--nothing else.

Generalfeldmarschall of the German Army during World War II., one of best generals of the war. He was author of the strategy for the invasion of France in May 1940 (sickle cut) and Siege of Sevastopol.